Twisted Magnetic Fields in Space Sculpt the Jets of Black Holes and Baby Stars.

At first glance, infant stars and supermassive black holes may seem to have very little in common. However, they share at least one similarity: they both launch high-speed astrophysical jets from their poles while gathering mass to increase in size.

A team of astronomers has now found the first solid evidence that twisted, helical magnetic fields are responsible for sculpting these jets at different scales. This discovery supports the idea that a universal mechanism governs the formation of astrophysical jets, regardless of the size or age of the celestial object.

The team focused their observations on HH 80-81, the fastest protostellar jet ever seen. This jet erupts from a young star nestled within a cloud of gas and dust known as IRAS 18162-204, located about 5,540 light-years away from Earth.

By analyzing the polarization of light emitted by the jet, the astronomers were able to map the three-dimensional structure of its magnetic field. Their findings revealed a clear helical pattern, indicating the presence of twisted magnetic fields.

This discovery is significant because it provides the first definitive evidence of helical magnetic fields in protostellar jets. While previous studies had hinted at the presence of magnetic fields in these jets, their three-dimensional structure remained elusive.

The fact that similar helical magnetic fields have been observed in jets emanating from supermassive black holes suggests that these twisted fields may be a universal mechanism for the launch of astrophysical jets. This implies that the same fundamental physics may be at play in shaping these jets, regardless of the scale of the object.

The team's research, published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, sheds new light on the role of magnetic fields in the formation and evolution of astrophysical jets. It also opens up exciting new avenues for future research, as astronomers continue to explore the mysteries of these powerful cosmic phenomena.

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